Sunday, November 13, 2011

Dear Grammar,

I know we've been together for a long time, but you need to realize that sometimes, I need my space. On occasion, I don't want to be confined to just "your needs." I'm a writer, I've got needs of my own.

I love your ways, your comma's and dear God I love the way I can make a sentence turn into a senseless ramble by simply placing things in their perfect order. Or not. It's beauty, it's fun, it's what I do.

But... sometimes I want to do things that don't always meld with you. Like maybe I want things to be awkward, maybe I want them to be short. Some days, I want to start a sentence with "and". And not have to care if it's correct.

So what if you take it out of context it makes no sense, just don't take it out of context. If you take it out, you lose context no matter what. A single sentence from the Iron Rose could be used to make it sound like erotica, or gore porn. Or incredibly boring.

Once in a blue moon, I want preposition for a sentence to end in. And I just can't take you getting all controlly on me. You have to live a little, get out there and let someone try something new, it's what made you the balance of words and dots you are today, up from cave paintings.

I still love you,


P.S., spelling is still a given, unless I need to make a new word.

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