Monday, June 27, 2011

Because Fuck You, that's why...

Seen above: the Irish reasoning behind defiance.

Explaining this to the wife, since she's the wife and all. My family has two real mottos, "No good deed goes unpunished" and the one above, and yes, we're Irish. It's a funny thing really, but it's a sentiment that goes bone deep.

One of the things we love about my grandfather in law is that he pretty much follows the same creed. Man got colon cancer, which in case you don't know what the word "Cancer" means, it means you die a horrible death. Unless you turn to your own ass and say "Fuck you cancer, I will punch you in your malignant faces!" Which is what he did.

Even after the overdose of chemo, and the removal of body parts, the man's still going, cancer free. As his wife put it, he was simply too stubborn to die of it. It's a good trait to defy such things, even in the face of death itself.

And not for some macho "laughing at death," no, you can be bedwettingly scared, but you still take the shot. It's about gritting your teeth and suffering through hardships, never giving in to pain and suffering or even self doubt. To always move forward, with the mentality that you may not make it through alive, but you will sure as Hell not go down without resistance.

When the zombies come in on you, and you've got one bullet left, you fire it at the lead zombie, and then try to kill as many as you can by pistol whip, why?
Because fuck zombies, that's why.

It is a basic rule of our lives, to press on, in a bad economy, in a war torn world, in a rural area with no water. We keep moving forward, heedless of the easy way out. So next time you stand before the end, and search your soul for a reason to keep fighting the inevitable, remember: it's not about how many it took to bring you down, but the fact that they had to bring you down, because you refused to do it for them.

All it takes for them to win, is for you to do nothing. So always do something, no matter what, stand up, be counted, shout loudly, hide behind the scenes, be subtle, walk softly and carry that big stick, because it matters not if you succeed, or if you fail, but that you tried. That when your cause was lost, you still went for it, throwing the ball from across the court in the last seconds in a final effort to score a point, with the score 60 to 0 them. Why?


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