Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Snow Day

Something I learned way back in high school... snow days are by far the most wonderful event of winter. There you are, sitting in your house, you haven't done nearly enough homework... and tomorrow you've got the presentation you were planning on starting... well tonight.

Then that news commercial comes on "high chance of snow, more at 11pm!" and, like the compulsive madman gambler you are, you manage to tear yourself away from video games/books/fights with ninjas, long enough to watch the news for once. Snow is coming, and you're banking on enough to close schools. Granted I live up north where it better be a foot of heavy wet snow, or else dammit get on the bus Mr. Hart and don't try to make the other children cry every time we go down a hill.

So you wake up, morning time, whole of the world is like an over-filled snowglobe, your world is perfect. Not only is there no school, but you get to go out and play in stuff that normally you'd be angry if you had to walk through... perspective is everything.

You play like a five year old, sledding, hot cocoa, even snowball fights that end with someone complaining they should have brought gloves. All is right in the world. That homework? I'll get on it tonight... it's a snow day.

Fast forwarding to the point, when you make your living by driving and a bad snowstorm hits, yeah... it's a snow day.

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